The $\Gamma$-sets and $\zeta$-space.
Assume $X$ is a smooth convex open manifold and $\partial X$ is a convex regular polytope. Def: An *$\mathcal F$-completion,* or *foliational completion* of a *block*, $\mathcal B:=X\cup\partial X$ over its vertex set $V$, is $\mathscr CX_V:=\cup_{v_{ij}\in V} \mathcal F_{v_{ij}}$ where $i,j$ index the vertices. Example: Set $X=(0,1)^n$. Take a smooth foliation $\mathcal F$ for every pair of points $v_i,v_j\in \partial X=[0,1]^n-(0,1)^n$ satisfying $\mathrm{sup~dist}_n(v_i,v_j)=\sqrt{r}$. Let the leaves in each $\mathcal F$ be mutually diffeomorphic to the class $M=(0,\sqrt{n})\times S^{n-2}$ accumulating to $v_i,v_j$. We see that $r=\lbrace 1,\sqrt{n} \rbrace.$ Allowing only $r=\sqrt{n}$, we can look at sections of $\mathscr CX_V$: Def: A $\Gamma$-set on $\mathscr CX_V$ is the union of all leaf intersections of the foliations i.e. $$\Gamma_{n}:= \lbrace \mathcal (\mathcal F_1 \cap \mathcal F_2)\cup (\mathcal F_2 \cap \mathcal F_3) \cup (\mathcal F_3 \cap \mathcal F_4) \cup ...