An introduction to the $\mathcal F$-completion, the Interface construction and the Gamma set
I'll start off with a definition that might initially sound pretty abstract and maybe confusing. The point in defining things as I do is to make our lives easier later on. The goal is to focus on a symmetrical subspace of what I'll call the $\mathcal F$-completion. This subspace is called $\mathcal I$. So let's begin:
Let \( X \) be a smooth, open, geodesically convex \( n \)-dimensional manifold with regular polytope boundary, and let \( V = \{v_i\} \) be a finite set of vertices in \( \partial X \). A block is defined as \( \mathcal{B} := X \cup \partial X \), where \( \partial X \) denotes the boundary.
A foliational completion (or $\mathcal{F}$-completion) of a block \( \mathcal{B} \) is a structure obtained by extending foliations to accumulate at specific vertices in the boundary. Formally, for each pair of distinct vertices \( (v_i, v_j) \in V \times V \), there exists a foliation \( \mathcal{F}_{v_{ij}} \), whose leaves accumulate at \( v_i \) and \( v_j \). The $\mathcal{F}$-completion is the union of these foliations:
$$CX_V := \bigcup_{(v_i, v_j) \in V \times V} \mathcal{F}_{v_{ij}}.$$
Each foliation satisfies the condition:
$$\lim_{p \to \partial X} L_\alpha(p) = \{v_i, v_j\},$$
where \( L_\alpha \) is a leaf in \( \mathcal{F}_{v_{ij}} \).
The last condition ensures that the leaves each accumulate to pairs of vertices.
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